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Always ensure to make your employer know that you are interested and prepared for the role by asking some questions to them by the end of the interview. Once you are confident that your interview was good, and the session is nearly over, the interviewer will ask you – Do you have any questions? Say “YES”. Always keep your list of questions ready, that is good practice to work on. It makes you look good, enthusiastic, and engaged. It also helps you to understand more about your position in the company and role for the work profile you are applying for. It is good to always come up with a few questions to ask the interviewer, which you can discuss back and forth on the topic. Try to ask questions that are related to your work profile and day-to-day role and avoid the questions asking too much about what the organisation will be doing for them. Never repeat the question that has been covered during the interview or the previous discussion. The questions related to holidays or allowances should be kept on the shelf for a while, those questions can be asked when you are finalised for the role.

Here are few questions to ask the interviewer that will help you with the interviews:

Can you please explain to me more about my role in the company?

How can I develop a strong presence in the first three months?

Is there any training available within the company/role?

What are the company goals in the coming five years?

How’s the work culture in the company?

What is the most interesting part of your role?

Can you tell me more about the team?

So next time, try these tips to give a fantastic ending to your interview